Joe Allan
I’ve got big plans for next year and want to get playing as much as possible - If any booking agents or anybody looking a support act or a gig is reading this, get in touch, @joeallan on Instagram please and thank you xx

Joe's musical talent stems from his mum's side of the family who he describes as "the creatives and entertainers." His uncle is a comedian and scriptwriter, his mum an author, and his grandparents, aunts etc would sing in choirs around Derry. "However, my first musical awakening I’d say would be when I was 5 years old, in the backseat of my dads car, when he puts on “Welcome to the Black Parade” by My Chemical Romance. He's definitely been my biggest influence when it comes to my music taste." Even from Primary School age, Joe has been on the stage performing. "I’d like to thank my primary school teachers for sticking me as Joseph and other singing roles for all the school shows and nativities, really gave a young me an ego boost!
Joe's first musical influence was Biffy Clyro who he was lucky enough to see in November in Belfast. However, his 3 biggest influences now would be Stereophonics, Sam Fender and Snow Patrol. "I’ve always admired their ability to make lyrics that stand out, as well as the guitar tones. Kelly Jones has a voice that I could listen to for hours and as a songwriter I don’t think there’s many better."
Many musicians have to wait years to headline billboards, however Joe has already managed to achieve this. "I get a lot of slagging for it, but becoming the face of my college and being on the sides of billboards and buses around the town was pretty cool. It’s a weird feeling riding the bus home with your face on the side of it." If you are around Derry make sure you look at the billboards and buses. Hopefully his face will continue to appear on billboards and buses for many years!
"The most important advice I can give is that if somebody says “Play Wonderwall”, fight the urge to do so."
Joe is an absolutely brilliant song writer, but often starts his songwriting process "just noodling around on the guitar or with a riff. Then if I like it, writing some rough lyrics down. Other things I do is just try and write about what I see in front of me, often it’s just me trying to be poetic and coming off dead pretentious, but hey it makes me feel cool so deal with it." Inspiration can come from anywhere. If you are struggling to start a song, writing down things that are in front of you, or interesting phrases you heard or activities you have done can be a great place to start. Joe begins his creative process by writing his music by himself. Then when the writing is completed, “the band comes in and we’ve got Phil O’Donnell, our producer and engineer, who works in the studio with us.”
Joe's music has evolved over the years. "When I first started writing songs I was heavy into my Damien Rice sad-greys-anatomy soundtrack phase and started writing those singer songwriter ballads on an acoustic but they never often went anywhere." Then, like many musicians, Joe tried to continue songwriting through the pandemic. "It was a really weird time to song-write, I never got anything finished because I was always alone with my thoughts and procrastinating."
Regardless of this, Joe's first single 'Blackout Blinds' came out in June on all streaming platforms. "I never expected to get the level of success I did for a first release if I’m being honest with you." Joe has also confirmed that his next single will be coming out in the new year. "That single has taken inspiration from people I’ve known, situations I’ve been in and everything like that, I’m excited to release it and after playing it at a few shows to see some people singing it back to me at my most recent gig when it’s not even out yet was a bit nuts!"
What can be even more exciting than having people sing along to your songs locally, is to look at where else in the world your music is being streamed. Just because you are getting local attention, doesn't mean that you won't be extremely successful elsewhere. "Seeing where people listen to my music, and the fact I’ve got support across the world is something else entirely. It’s something I look at and think 'I actually did that.'"
"Something that has always stuck with me comes from an interview with Ed Sheeran where he uses an analogy about a tap in an old house to define songwriting. If you let a tap run for a bit, gradually the water becomes clearer and better. I feel like you can apply that to a lot of things in life and it’s helped me in my darker moments for sure."
While Joe writes his music on his own music, he has a brilliant group of guys who play gigs with him. "We’ve got Shay on lead guitar, who makes ironic grindcore tunes and goes on Twitter in his spare time. Then we've got Conor on drums, a sound guy until you ask him what football team he supports. We’ve got Lucas on the bass, who’s new to the band, he loves a guapo more than he loves himself, and I don’t blame him. Also a shoutout to Ben who played bass for us until very recently to pursue his own projects, all round legend and one or the best musicians I know - You’ll know his name very soon!!"
Joe's most memorable gig, like lots of artists, was his very first one. Joe played in a local youth club called OurSpace when he was 15. "I played a couple of cover songs that night and the crowd loved it. A mate of mine in the crowd co-ordinated an impromptu light show with phone flashlights and the reaction I got from people that night was something I’ll never forget." Another gig that he loved was at Bennigans in Derry. I love drinking there but I love playing there even more.
What I found extremely unique about Joe is his focus on people and their experiences at his gigs. "I want people to watch the stage and remember me for who I am, not just the music. I’m not a stadium playing musician (yet, touch wood!), but I want to make sure that even if it gets to that stage, every performance feels intimate; for every person at my gigs."
What does the future look like for Joe?
"Well, ideally I’d like to be everything Nickelback sings in 'Rockstar', but for now I want to put out most of the stuff I’ve written, maybe in an EP, maybe as singles. What I can say is I just finished recording a couple weeks back, and there should be music very very soon.
Make sure you follow him and keep up to date with all his songs, events and gigs:
Spotify: Joe Allan
Instagram: joeallan
Twitter: JoeAllan_
TikTok: joeallannnnn
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