Clodagh May
If you want to hear one of Northern Ireland's finest musicians: just ask Alexa. We recommend you ask for 'Say So' which was recently long-listed for the NI Music prize 2022!

Like lots of very talented singers, Clodagh was introduced to music at a very young age. "When I was 5, my mother taught me how to sing harmonies to ‘The Black Hills of Dakota’ after watching the movie Calamity Jane. She sent me to piano lessons at 6 and after my 3rd lesson she took me out because I had started to play chords and melodies by ear. Shortly after that I began making up my own wee songs. There’s a box full of home VCR tapes locked away somewhere of the evidence!"
Clodagh's band consists of lead guitarist Conan Mullan, rhythm guitarist Stephen (soopy) McCool, bassist Ryan Milligan and drummer Mark McAuley. Clodagh says, "I would be absolutely lost without each of them, personally and professionally!" All you need to do is watch the music video for ‘Say So’ to see the friendship between the band! Their connection and trust in each other has helped them to grow and write such high quality music together!
"I’ve realised that we are exactly where my heart has lay since I started listening to bands, and that’s heavy rock-pop with a splash of power pop."
Clodagh is a singer-songwriter who says she prefers to write alone. She described her process as, "Get my heart broke - be sad - write a song about it. Just kidding! That used to be my process." While all of her songs began as sad, piano and vocal pieces, with the help of her band, her sound has developed since then.
"I started to find it easier to write about lots of different topics that I felt passionate about. The process for me is usually quite quick. I’ll have an idea and either record it on my phone or jot it down, then once I sit down to flesh it out, I can tell very quickly if it’s going to work or not. If it’s not working, I’ll put it to the side. If it just flows out of me then that’s a good sign that it’s going to turn into something good. Once I have the bare bones, I record a rough demo on my laptop and send it to the band for feedback and input! Then we start working on it and tightening it up as a band!"
Clodagh's approach to writing music is quite different from other artists in a similar genre. She doesn't mind being vulnerable or discussing topics that would be considered taboo. "I’m not afraid to step out of the box and sit in front of a piano on my own sometimes. I have the ability to do whatever I feel like doing." Clodagh's song, ‘I’m a girl, so what?!’ is about misogyny both in the music industry and in general. It was written after a heated interaction with a man she had been working with who disrespected and belittled her. "It’s one of my absolute favourite songs that I’ve written so far. Music is my way of expression. If I didn’t write my feelings into songs, I’d have went crazy a long time ago."
Queen was one of Clodagh's first inspirations. "My dad showed them to me when I was young, and I was in awe of how ridiculous their songs were. They showed me that you can write about anything you want (yes, even being in love with your car) and it can still be a masterpiece."
Clodagh is a very captivating and charismatic performer with a unique vocal quality. Another inspiration of hers is Paramore, and in particular, their front woman Hayley Williams. "I try to model my own stage presence after her, and that has helped me become more comfortable as a performer." In fact, the band even decided to dress up as Paramore for Halloween this year!
"Be reliable. Show up. Make the effort. If you want to be successful in this industry, if you want to be respected and make a name for yourself all you need to do is exactly what you say you’ll do!"
Clodagh and the band gig every single month. "Most of the shows I’ve done so far have been favourites. Especially the ones where we support our friends in other bands! It feels like you’re playing in front of family. We all know, love and respect each other. We all know the words to each other's songs! That’s the best bit, when you see your friends singing along to your songs!" So why not learn the words to these songs and go experience this for yourself!!

"Playing, writing, teaching, recording and releasing." With a tour rumoured in the near future and an album rumoured in the next 5 years, keep your eyes and ears peeled for one of Northern Ireland's up and coming super stars, Clodagh May!
- Spotify: Clodagh May
- YouTube: Clodagh May
- Instagram: clodaghmay_official
- TikTok: clodagh_may
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